The International Conference “Philosophy with/for Children inside and outside of school” will take place in Bucharest, Romania, on 28 and 29 October 2022, under the auspices of CIVIS.
This conference is an invitation to reflect on how all those concerned with P4/wC do philosophy in the classroom and/or other environments. The main objective of the conference is to question the practices of philosophy with/for children inside and outside of school, regardless of whether philosophy has or does not have a place in the curriculum and whether teachers and parents encourage or discourage children to think for themselves.
- The working languages of the Conference are English, French, and Romanian.
Philosophy for/with Children Inside and Outside of School
Philosophie pour/avec les enfants dans l’école et hors de l’école
Filosofia pentru/cu copii în școală și în afara școlii
- The conference will be in a hybrid format.
- The login links will be sent by e-mail to the registered people.
Registration of participants without presentation: October 25, 2022.
People who want to participate in the conference as listeners will complete the registration form and send it until October 25, 2022 at the address:
- Department of Practical Philosophy and History of Philosophy
- Center for Education in Philosophy
- LIDILEM Laboratory (Laboratoire de linguistique et didactique des langues étrangères et maternelles), University of Grenoble-Alpes
- La philosophie avec les enfants et les adolescents: une double visée, démocratique et philosophique, MICHEL TOZZI, Honorary University Professor in Educational Sciences at the Paul-Valéry University of Montpellier. President of the People’s University in Narbonne
- The role of moral problems and moral dilemmas in the Community of Philosophical Inquiry, FÉLIX GARCÍA MORIYÓN, Honorary professor of the Department of Specific Didactics of the Autonomous University of Madrid
- La philosophie pour enfants: finalités, objectifs, démarches, FRANÇOIS GALICHET, Honorary Professor at the University of Strasbourg
- Enjeux politiques et éthiques de la philosophie avec les enfants, EDWIGE CHIROUTER, University Professor, Philosophy of Education, University of Nantes. INSPE. CREN. Holder of the UNESCO Chair for “Philosophy Practices with Children: An Educative Basis for Intercultural Dialogue and Social Transformation”
- Après 20 ans à mener des recherches sur la pratique du dialogue philosophique: quel bilan en tirer, quels défis à relever?, MATHIEU GAGNON, Professor at Department of Preschool and Primary Education, University of Sherbrooke (Québec)
- Key questions for Philosophy with children – A philosophy didactical approach for teacher education, BETTINA BUSSMANN, Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy KGW of the University of Salzburg
- L’apport des chercheures pour l’animation de dialogues philosophiques dans la cité, ANDA FOURNEL, Teacher – Researcher at the Department of Language Sciences & LIDILEM Laboratory, Grenoble Alpes University / JEAN-PASCAL SIMON, Associate Professor at the Department of Language Sciences & LIDILEM Laboratory, Grenoble Alpes University
- Beyond the confines of the usual speaking and of the usual thinking. Practicing philosophy with children using the philosophical classics as starting points, LUCA MORI, Ph.D., Lecturer of History of Philosophy at the University of Pisa, Degree Course in Sciences and techniques in clinical and health psychology
- Comment sont traitées les questions des enfants eux-mêmes dans une école où la philosophie est absente?, MARIN BĂLAN, Ph.D., Lecturer at the Department of Practical Philosophy and History of Philosophy, The Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Director of the Center of Education in Philosophy
Themes/ Topics for exploration (Parallel sessions)
- P4/wC practices and other philosophical practices
- Practical philosophy and P4/wC
- Challenges and possibilities in P4/wC inside and outside of school
- P4/wC practices: European experiences
- P4/wC practices: Romanian experiences
- Pedagogical aspects of the P4/wC practices
- The place and role of P4/wC practices in school (primary and secondary)
- P4/wC practices in the public space (outside school)
- Critical, creative, and caring thinking in P4/wC practices
- P4/wC practices in the online version: advantages and disadvantages
Final specifications:
- The activities of the conference will take place in a hybrid format.
- The University of Bucharest does not cover any costs for participants.
- The conference is not funded or sponsored.
- No fee for participation.
- Photography, video, or audio recording of the presentations and/or distribution of the Conference material is prohibited unless written permission has been acquired.
For other information and registration, visit the official page of the Conference, on the website of the University of Bucharest:
Source: organising committee, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Philosophy Image: Maël BALLAND