SEG anunță organizarea unui webinar pe tema organizării colectivelor de profesori din școală pentru dezvoltarea profesională continuă prin MOOC (cursuri online deschise masive). Profesorii și directorii școlii se pot întâlni în mod regulat în aceste grupuri de studiu pentru a participa împreună la un MOOC, pentru a colabora și pentru a planifica împreună implementarea în activitatea didactică a ceea ce învață.
Evenimentul are loc online, luni, 14 decembrie, ora 17 CET (18 ora României).
Detalii și înscriere:
Webinarul se adresează profesorilor și directorilor de școli care doresc:
- Să îi sprijine pe colegi în utilizarea cursurilor și comunităților online
- Să stabilească un mediu colaborativ în școala lor
- Să lucreze în colaborare cu colegi din școală la dezvoltarea competențelor didactice
- Să sprijine colegii cu o ofertă flexibilă de dezvoltare profesională care nu interferează cu orarul școlar zilnic
- Să discute subiecte educaționale și pedagogice cu colegii din școală
- Să experimenteze noi modalități de dezvoltare profesională
- Să-și dezvolte competențele digitale.
Pentru alte informații și exemple privind organizarea grupurilor de DPC în școală (în engleză):
- Video: How to set up school-based learning communities to improve teacher learning on MOOCs
- Report: How to set up school-based learning communities to improve teacher learning on MOOCs
Webinarul este susținut în engleză.
Members of the Teacher Academy Pilot Group
Elena Pezzi is a secondary teacher of Spanish as a foreign language at Liceo Laura Bassi, Bologna, Italy. She is an experienced teacher trainer in the field of educational technology and a passionate eTwinner. Since 2014 she has served as a trainer and researcher at the Regional School Office of the Ministry of Education
Cristina Nicolaita is a teacher of Physics and ICT at Gh. Magheru School, Caracal, Romania. She is also an experienced eTwinning and Scientix Ambassador, a teacher trainer and an Erasmus Plus project coordinator, Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert and Code Week Leading Teacher for Romania.
Celeste Simões is a teacher of English as foreign language at Agrupamento de Escolas de Carregal do Sal, Portugal, and an English Didactics Guest Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Coimbra. She is an experienced teacher trainer and EFL materials writer.
Mirela Radosevic is a primary and secondary school teacher, an experienced teacher mentor at Petar Zrinski School, Čabar, Croatia. She is also a member of eTwinning, Code Week, Scientix and Bebras Croatia organizational board. She was twice awarded the National Annual Teacher Award in Croatia.
Lisanne Verwer is a secondary teacher of English at “Stedelijk Dalton College”, Alkmaar, The Netherlands. She is also a digital coordinator for e-learning and Internationalisation projects at her school.
Guillermo Medrano is PhD Engineer and Master in Teaching. Teacher in Secondary and Vocational Training at C.P.C. Los Boscos in Logroño (La Rioja). TeachUp Tutor and Country Dialogue Labs participant. Tutor, creator and coordinator of on-line courses at INTEF. eTwinning & Future Classroom LabAmbassador in La Rioja. Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert & Global Learning Mentor in Microsoft. Above all, Lifelong Learner.
Mareike Raabe is a secondary teacher of English and Geography at “Gesamtschule Ückendorf”, Germany. She is also an ambassador for Erasmus+ and eTwinning in Germany and an International Coordinator at her school. Furthermore, she offers international teacher training seminars on Internationalization of schools.
Sanja Arh has been a primary teacher at “Ivana Gorana Kovačića Delnice” elementary school for 15 years. She has been involved in projects and activities in her school that promote new methodologies and interdisciplinary approaches using ICT, project based learning and various research activities.
Detalii și înscriere:
Agenda webinarului:
Sursa: School Education Gateway Newsletter December 2020 Foto: Edward Jenner on Pexels