În cadrul acestor sesiuni deschise, întâlniți cercetători și experți în diverse domenii pentru a le adresa întrebări pe teme de știință.
Evenimentele au o durată de 30 de minute și se desfășoară în câteva limbi, printre care și română. Se adresează cadrelor didactice și elevilor lor.
Găsiți evenimentul cel mai potrivit pentru dvs. și pentru clasele dvs.:
Luni, 8 noiembrie, ora 17 – Gabriel Cristian Neagu (în română)
Înregistrare: https:/
Marți, 9 noiembrie, ora 11 – Diana Beșliu-Ionescu (în română)
Înregistrare: https:/
Tuesday 9h of November, 4 PM Bucharest time – Nigel Mason (in English)
Înregistrare: https:/
Tuesday 16th of November, 5 PM Bucharest time – Stephen Durrant (in English)
Înregistrare: https:/
Thursday 18th of November, 5 PM Bucharest time – Hsiang-Wen (Sean) Hsu (in English)
Înregistrare: https:/
Miercuri, 24 noiembrie, ora 17 – Mátyás Csukás (în română / maghiară)
Înregistrare: https:/
Scurte biografii ale experților și aria de expertiză:
Gabriel Cristian Neagu is a student and amateur astronomer. He discovered his passion for variable stars four years ago at his local observatory in Galati city.
Diana Beșliu-Ionescu is a solar physicist who has finished her PhD at Monash University in Australia studying solar flares that have triggered sun quakes. Her studies have focused on sun quakes analysis, CMEs and their association with geomagnetic storms.
Nigel Mason is a physicist by training whose research has evolved into exploring the solar system and beyond with the search for life while trying to understand how life emerged on Earth. The applications of such research has led to studies on radiation damage leading to new cancer treatments, the development of nanotechnologies and investigations of climate change. He is an author of nearly 400 scientific publications and three books.
Stephen Durrant has been working in the space industry since leaving school, which is about 40 years. He studied whilst working and took two years out to study for a Masters. He has been working at ESA (European Space Agency) since 2000 where he has worked on several projects and studies: he became involved in Mars Missions shortly after starting at ESA as a Mechanisms Engineer, starting off with studies (to send a Robots and then Men to Mars) and then joined the ExoMars Rover Project in 2008 to work on the development of all the Mechanisms on the Rover e.g the Drill.
Hsiang-Wen (Sean) Hsu is a research associate at the Laboratory of Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP), University of Colorado Boulder, USA. His research interests include geologically active moons around giant planets, planetary rings, and asteroids. He is an expert in cosmic dust research and wants to explore the outer solar system from a “dusty point of view”.
Mátyás Csukás is a mechanical engineer, a programmer and an amateur astronomer. He has been making astronomical observations since 1984. His main area of interest is observing variable stars. He created a desktop application that helps with this activity and wrote an astrophysics educational book in Hungarian (published in 2018). He is a member of the Hungarian Astronomical Association.
Programul complet și alte sesiuni similare sunt disponibile pe pagina organizatorilor, Lecturers Without Borders (LeWiBo): https:/
Sursa: LeWiBo, via email to iTeach Romania Imagine: Anthony, de la Pexels