Invitation to teachers: Discover ESA Live info-session, 23 April
A new streaming platform is set to inspire the next generation of scientists, engineers, and astronauts, bringing the wonders of space closer to classr…
A new streaming platform is set to inspire the next generation of scientists, engineers, and astronauts, bringing the wonders of space closer to classr…
We would like to invite you to an open webinar titled ”How can young students contribute to Sustainable Development Goals locally” that will take pla…
In 2022, LeWiBo developed a special educational programme - webinars on ecology, climate change and global warming for high school students. The webina…
Lecturers Without Borders (LeWiBo) invites teachers, parents, school students to an open interactive meeting with scientists and climate experts: How t…
În cadrul acestor sesiuni deschise, întâlniți cercetători și experți în diverse domenii pentru a le adresa întrebări pe teme de știință. Evenimentel…
This year, just like in 2020, the Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC) 2021, a scientific conference on planetary science, is opening its doors to school…
”Lecturers without borders” (LeWiBo) invites teachers to the next open webinar devoted to the STEM Education. Title: "STEM Education: Challenges and…